Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Golden Rule for a Happy Life!!!

It was very upsetting today when we went to read our blog emails and found out that someone had posted anonymously inappropriate comments! :( We can't believe that! It was so rude and really heartbreaking! We are just trying to share with our audience and in a positive light! Today is a great day to share the idea that we should all do unto others as we would have them do unto us! It gets you farther in life! Also it must be sad that someone would have to spend their day hunting down blogs to comment negatively on just to make themselves feel better! Sorry for the rant but this just had to be said!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream


This past weekend we were so excited because our good friend Terrence and his girlfriend Morgan came into town from D.C. to visit. So, we decided we wanted to take them somewhere fun. We got season passes this year to Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Water Country so we decided we would take them to Busch Gardens Halloween themed Howl-O-Scream. Now, we went previously about 2 weeks ago but we thought we would share some photos and experiences with you on our blog to show you what Busch Gardens has done for the Halloween Season!

From the moment you walk in the entrance you can see that they have decorations up and that Halloween spirit can be shown even during the day time for a family friendly atmosphere!

This is one of the big monsters they have we thought he was more funny than scary. During the day the park is very child friendly and just like a typical day at the amusement park!

It was actually funny, we were on Pompeii a ride at the park and it happened to shut down for a brief second (this typically/rarely ever happens) allowed us to take an awesome picture while on the ride!
This is our good friend Terrence and his girlfriend Morgan!
When night time falls approximately 6pm Busch Gardens transforms into a major Halloween themed Party! MOST attraction after 6pm are not suitable for young children! This picture was the Devil DJ that played beats in an area of the park, as you can see people enjoyed dancing to the music!

If you find yourself hungry, there are many seasonal selections. On our previous trip we ate at the Fright Feast it was only $15 a piece and it was all you could eat buffet and dinner show. The food was pretty good it was Halloween Frankenstein themed. But, in all honesty the food prices at Busch Gardens are really high so we typically just grab a snack like a churro or some popcorn and then hit a restaurant outside of the park on the way home!

This is a picture from the show Fiends! and let me just say we thought it was a great show! It is very adult like and has adult humor and extreme sexual reference that is inappropriate for children so do not take children to see this!!! The park offers a lot of show options one in the Fest House and then in this theater. We chose this one and would highly recommend going to see it! Even as a couple!

Busch Gardens has 6 Haunted Houses that they have featured and transformed into the park! By far the most scariest one we went through had to be 13 Your Number's Up. I won't ruin the suspense for you on this you have to try it out for yourself but I will say we were both screaming and laughing, they have more people haunting in this one and it will definitely make you jump!

Overall we had a blast and it was great that we could enjoy it with our friends! We would recommend that everyone go to some sort of Howl-O-Scream experience to get into the Halloween Spirit this year!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Our First Recipe Post!!! Homemade Apple Pie Turnovers

Homemade Apple Pie Turnovers

If you read our previous post you know that we went apple picking a couple weeks ago. Well we had so many apples that we brought home, we decided we would make something with them. Here is our recipe for Homemade Apple Pie Turnovers:

Prep Time: 20 mins.     Bake Time: 15 mins.         ~Turnovers in Under 40 mins!~
Serving Size: 1 pie         Recipe Yields: 8-10 pies


  • 4-5 medium size apples
  • 1/3 cup of sugar
  • 1/3 cup of light brown sugar
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp of nutmeg
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp of cornstarch, mix with 2 tbsp of water until smooth
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2-3 cans of crescent rolls 
  • cinnamon sugar*

Preparing The Apples:

We chose the Golden Delicious and Granny Smith Apples to make our turnovers because that is what we got when we went apple picking. You can use any kind of apple you wish but we think that these two kinds of apples add more flavor when baking with them! We also used 4 apples and they were quite large being from the orchard, if store bought you may need to add more!
To prepare your apples start by washing them, then peel them and cut them into small cubes (no core). Rinse the apple cubes off using a strainer and set them aside.

Preparing The Filling:
In a mixing bowl mix together the dry ingredients: the sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. In another small bowl mix the cornstarch and water. In a medium size sauce pan, add the butter and place on medium heat. Once you can see that the pot is warm enough add your dry ingredients before the butter is fully melted. Then add in cornstarch mixture and egg yolk. Stir constantly for 2 mins until mixture is a liquid. Then take your apple cubes and add them into the sauce pan a little bit at a time making sure to cover the apples with the sauce. Let filling simmer on medium heat , stirring occasionally, until the mixture has thickened and apples have softened. Approximately no more than 5 mins. Remove mixture from heat and set aside to cool. Does not have to be fully cold to fill dough but mixture thickens when you let it cool off which leads to easier filling!

Preparing The Dough:
Making homemade dough....nobody has time for that!
All you need is some prepacked dough for this recipe we like to use Crescent Roll Dough!
We just bought the generic brand Buttered Crescent Rolls, the buttered ones add more flavor.

Making The Turnovers:
Take 2 crescent roll triangles and shape them into circles like pictured above. Then take a spoon full of filling and place onto the center of one of the dough circles. Then take the other crescent circle you made and cover over the filling. Take the edges from the bottom circle and pull them up and pinch dough forming a ball. Now you have your turnover ready to put into the oven!

Baking The Turnovers:
Place turnovers on a foil lined cookie sheet (this helps them get golden brown) also helps with easy clean up. Remember to spray your pan with a nonstick spray this is VERY important, because some filling may leak out and your turnovers will stick!
Bake on 375 for 15 mins. or as directed by instructions on dough package.



Sometimes this recipe can make more filling than you have dough to can keep left over filling in an air tight container and place in the fridge for up to a week! This filling is also good on biscuits and other types of bread as well as a topping on vanilla ice cream, or can be eaten by itself!
You can keep your turnovers in an air tight container in the fridge as well for up to one week!

We look forward to sharing more recipes with you in the future! 

Apples Apples and More Apples!

Apple Picking

Every Fall we always go apple picking when we go up to Madison to visit Brandon's family. It is only a short drive and it is a great opportunity for us to go and get apples. We choose to go to Carter Mountain Orchard, located in Charlottesville, VA. They always have the best selection and their farm has 17 different types of apples during the season, which runs from mid July through early November. If you want the best selection its best to go mid season in September and October. They have pumpkins and hayrides also during the Fall season and they have amazing views of the mountain side all year round. If you want to learn about Carter Mountain we have posted the link to their website for you below!

Since we are just starting our blog we are playing a little catch up on posting about our apple picking adventure. We went about two weeks ago, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Jonathan, and Jonagold apples were open for picking. (There may have been more I don't really remember.) So we picked a couple Red Delicious and Golden Delicious to take home. Now after all of this apple picking and climbing trees to get the apples {only Brandon and his sister, Brianna did the climbing, his Dad and I just watched and caught the apples they threw us} you work up an appetite and boy oh boy let me tell you Carter Mountain is spot on with their Apple Cider Donuts and Apple Cider they even have Cider that comes in slushy form for those hotter picking days its soooo good. So we always end our venture with a snack! 

Keep a lookout for our post about we did with our apples! It should be posted later today!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Welcome To Our Blog

We Are Just Starting Our Next Adventure

Let us introduce ourselves...we are Meghan and Brandon and this is our blog. A Couple's Adventure is a blog of our many adventures we take as a couple through life. It covers many aspects such as travel, cooking, dates we go on, real life situations, places we love, and everything in between. You name it we got it!

We go through life's adventures together one step at a time building our relationship and bringing us closer and closer together making us a strong well-rounded couple.

We need YOUR HELP!!!!
We are always looking for fun things to do and new things to try! We have set out on a journey to experience new challenges and try new things. When we try new  things we will share our reviews and share photos with you of the places and things we have done and give you ideas you yourself can do or something a couple can do. But, here comes your part...we are sometimes very indecisive people and can never make up our mind where we want to go...or what we want to do...soo... we need your suggestions of places to try. We will go and review places as best we can! Please use our suggestions page to make a suggestion!

We are very excited about starting our adventure with you! Please take time to look through our blog as we are in the beginning stages of blogging. In the About Us section you can learn more about us and where we come from and how we met. The suggestions page is for the suggestions and comments explained above, as well as our contact page!

Thank you so much for viewing our Blog!
